Thursday, June 9, 2011

Nak Tulis

Teringin nak menulis balik. Tapi idea dah tak macam dulu.

Ye la dulu ada orang support hari-hari and jadi follower. Sekarang bila dah tak der....idea pon hilang.

Come on Ayuni, jangan jadikan itu sebagai alasan. Make ur life interesting and from ur writing at least u will read...reading can sharp ur mind.

Ape aku mengarut ni....teetttttttttttttttttt


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

tetibe je kan

Hi Simplicity..

Tonite...i feel something bad..

I miss him again...

i miss u

i miss u...

its never stop...

Ya Allah send him back to me....

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Great Time

Assalamualaikum to all yg sudi lg membace di blog sy ni.

Almost 1/2 year i left my blog without any news and update. Very busy with something that we call WORK.

I dont know where is the best place that I can burst out everything from my heart and mind. Life is too short and life is about learning and understanding.

Almost 2 years I learn how to develop my career life. Almost 2 years I suffer with many things and difficulties. Almost 2 years I know u and u and u....but today is not the ending of my career is still early to stop. I am still young. I still have to grab all the opportunity.

I want to share something with all of you. Last 2 years I met someone. He brief me about our life at my new place. Then I never meet him yet. And after 2 years he came back to me. He ask me a lot of question and feedback. He ask me what I want. I grab this chance to tell him everything that try to find at this place. I really hope he is the one who can understand my dreams. A week after that conversation, he dliver something to me. I am quite suprise and feel like this is the begining of my new life.

Yaaaa...I dont want to waste my time yet. I sacrifice my day to complete the task. I put down my egos to learn even with the newbies. In malay phrase "tadah telinga" with all the "maki" and "gelak guling-guling" from certain peps. It is the time I learn to be patient and focus. Be patient with all the stupid sound and focus to what I want to achieve.

Everyone there just look at me without any hand come and support. Ya....I know im not good enough BUT I try to be better than yesterday.

God send someone to me. She is new but she is very experiance. Humble and "tk pilih bulu". She is always beside me when I stuck in the middle of the journey. She is the one who always ask me "Are You OK my dear" arghhh thanks God...i never heard that phrase before.

She never ask me to work until late. What she always said to me, "Dear go back, and take ur rest, the day end already" "tommorrow WE continue" wow amazing ...!

When we facing ay problem...she came to me. She will say "Dear, Im very sorry. We have to amend this error again, Could you please HELP me to amend this?" Sejuknya hati bila dengar orang mintak tolong dengan cara mcm ni. Automatically, i will say "YES I WILL DO FOR YOU"

Amend amend and amend...never stop amend till the day before deployment process.

arrggghhhhh...#$%^&* la youuu ! stop asking me to amend again...

Jadi perkara macam ni bila user still nk suruh amend....plg critical is allignment issue...

Finally, (actually im tired to continue d story) I dONE...I DONE !!!!

Betapa nikmatnya bila project complete....satu kepuasan kepada seseorg yg bergelar MASTER P....

Ya Allah kau bukakan hati mereka yang aku maksudkan ini untuk menerima hidayah mu. Sesungguhnya mereka yg aku maksudkan ini adalah insan yang mempercayai aku dan sentiasa menghargai setiap usaha ku. Ya Allah hanya dengan cara ini yang mampu aku balas atas setiap pengorbanan mereka terhadap aku. Ya Allah rahmati mereka yang aku maksudkan ini dengan segala limpahan rahmat dan kasihMu.

Syukur now everyone will open their eyes....I CAN DO IT....aku bukan seteruk yg disangka.

Thanks mum and dad for d continuous doa'...